Results for 'Dr Wilh Bergmann'

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    Berichte. Religion und Seelenleiden. Sondertagungen des katholischen Akademikerverbandes in Kevelaer.Dr Wilh Bergmann - 1930 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 5 (1):276-284.
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    Berichte. Religion und Seelenleiden. Sondertagungen des katholischen Akademikerverbandes in Kevelaer.Wilh Bergmann - 1930 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 5 (1):276-284.
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    Bergmann, Hugo, Dr. phil. Untersuchungen zum Problem der Evidenz der inneren Wahrnehmung.Hugo Bergmann - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Bergmann, Ernst, Dr., Privatdozent. Die Begründung der deutschen Aesthetik durch Alex. Gottlieb Baumgarten und Georg Friedrich Meier. [REVIEW]Ernst Bergmann - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Syntactical analysis of the class calculus.Gustav Bergmann - 1942 - Philosophy of Science 9 (2):227-232.
    In a paper read before the last Congress for the Unity of Science, Dr. Milton Singer distinguishes three main phases in the recent history of logic. The achievement he considers most characteristic of the first period is the development of the class calculus or so-called Boolean algebra. It begins with the work of Boole and DeMorgan and culminates in Schroeder's Algebra of Logic. In a minimum formulation, the results of this first stage can be summed up as, first, simplification and (...)
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    Intentionality: A Study Of Mental Acts.Richard E. Aquila - 1976 - Penn St University Press.
    This book is a critical and analytical survey of the major attempts, in modern philosophy, to deal with the phenomenon of intentionality—those of Descartes, Brentano, Meinong, Husserl, Frege, Russell, Bergmann, Chisholm, and Sellars. By coordinating the semantical approaches to the phenomenon, Dr. Aquila undertakes to provide a basis for dialogue among philosophers of different persuasions. "Intentionality" has become, since Franz Brentano revived its original medieval use, the standard term describing the mind's apparently paradoxical capacity to relate itself to objects (...)
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    Mythe en Waarheid.Prof Dr Leo Chestov - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):127-135.
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    Attitude towards religion: Definition, measurement and evaluation.Revd Dr Leslie J. Francis & William K. Kay - 1984 - British Journal of Educational Studies 32 (1):45-50.
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    Misinterpreted Documents and Ignored Physical Facts: The History of ‘Hitler's Atomic Bomb’ needs to be corrected.Prof Dr Manfred Popp - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (3):265-282.
    Zusammenfassung: Fehlinterpretierte Dokumente und ignorierte physikalische Fakten: Die Geschichte von,Hitlers Atombombe‘ muss korrigiert werden. Warum haben die deutschen Physiker während des Zweiten Weltkriegs keine Atombombe entwickelt? Seit mehr als 25 Jahren sind sich die Historiker einig, dass die deutschen Physiker wussten, wie eine Atombombe gebaut werden muss, dass aber ein Programm wie das amerikanische Manhattan‐Projekt zu ihrer Realisierung in Deutschland, erst recht während des Krieges, unmöglich war. Eine genaue Analyse aller erhaltenen Original‐Dokumente über die Arbeit an der Atombombe während des,Dritten (...)
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    Study on Analysing the Student Perspectives on Cultural and Social Diversity in Education.Abhishek Singla, Dr Charu Wadhwa, Dr Vinima Gambhir, Simranjeet Nanda, Vinay Kumar Sadolalu Boregowda, Anvesha Garg & Vidhya Lakshmi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:982-990.
    Education is presently required to create inclusive, supportive, and validating environments for education and experiences, while educational organizations continue to maintain students from many different kinds of cultural and socially diverse backgrounds. This research investigates how students engage and collaborate with diverse cultures and social environments to identify the key features influencing their social relationships and learning outcomes. To determine the possibilities and difficulties that students experience in a varied educational environment and make suggestions for the enhancements and assessment techniques (...)
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    International science and fair-play practices.Prof Dr Pieter J. D. Drenth - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (1):5-11.
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    Marco Hofheinz (2008) Gezeugt nicht gemacht. In-vitro-Fertilisation in theologischer Perspektive.Prof Dr Georg Plasger - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (4):351-353.
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    Pali Text Society's Centenary.Ven Dr H. Saddhatissa - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (1-2):25-27.
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    The Religious Sacred in the Novels of Khudair Falih Al-Zaidi.Athraa Mohammed Mosa & Dr Ahmed Heyal Jahad - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    The religious sanctity constitutes a spiritual and moral value in the life of the religious person from ancient times until our present era, regardless of religions and backgrounds. For the individual, it is considered a powerful energy that is distinguished by its presence from other ordinary things, as it constitutes the religious identity of that society. Khudair Falih Al-Zaidi is one of the writers whose literary and fictional productions were not devoid of mention, criticism, and treatment of it, and who (...)
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    Selbstbestimmung am Lebensende.Prof Dr Hartmut Kreß - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (3):291-297.
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    Selections from Michael Sadler. Studies in World Citizenship.Vernon Mallinson, Dr J. H. Higginson & Michael Sadler - 1980 - British Journal of Educational Studies 28 (3):243.
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    Entgegnung.Dr Oskar Fechner - 1937 - Mind 46 (184).
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    Section.Docent Dr Witold Marciszewski - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):42-43.
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  19. Ethical Challenges of Ubiquitous Computing.Pd Dr Klaus Wiegerling, Rafael Capurro, Johannes Britz, Thomas Hausmanninger, Makoto Nakada & Marcus Apel - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 8.
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  20. Aparatos, imágenes y modo de pensar-las: la pantalla cíborg.Dr Guillermo Yáñez Tapia - 2019 - Revista Barda 5 (8):253-272.
    Desde una respuesta tentativa a la pregunta qué es una imagen se busca establecer el modo en que pensamos en, con y contra las imágenes. Se concentra la indagación en dos tipos particulares de imágenes, las generadas por el aparato digital, con el fin de articular conceptualmente el modo en que las imágenes cobran sentido y cómo dicho sentido surge desde el estatuto ontológico que encierra dicho aparato en particular. Desde una respuesta operativa y desde el concepto de modo de (...)
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    Entelechie und Seele.Prof Dr Hans Driesch - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):266-279.
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    Gesundheitsschutz und Embryonenschutz in ethischrechtlicher Abwägung.Prof Dr Hartmut Kreß - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (1):92-99.
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    Section.Prof Dr Jan Legowicz - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):37-39.
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    Kommentar I.Pd Dr Frank Saliger - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (2):145-148.
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    Analysing the Influence of Organizational Culture on Supply Chain Outcomes: Structural Model Analysis.Dinesh Goyal, Dr Yashesh Zaveri, Varun Ojha, Dr Urvashi Thakur, Kajal Chheda, Tannmay Gupta & V. Pushparajesh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:833-843.
    Employee behavior, decision-making, and cooperation across the supply chain network are all greatly influenced by organizational culture (OC). In supply chain outcomes (SCO), an understanding of the effect promotes efficiency overall, improves coordination, and maximizes performance. The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was initially applied to experimentally analyze data from a survey of 85 enterprises using a quantitative approach. The relationships between cultures such as OC, market culture (MC), clan culture (CC), Hierarchy culture (HC), Professional culture (PC), Adhocracy culture (AC), (...)
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    Autonomie als Rechtfertigungsgrund psychiatrischer Therapien.Orsolya Friedrich & Pd Dr Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (4).
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    Doping und ärztliches Ethos – eine Stellungnahme der Zentralen Ethikkommission der Bundesärztekammer.Prof Dr Phil Dieter Birnbacher - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (4):333-335.
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    Fatale Klarheit.Prof Dr Dieter Birnbacher - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (1):1-3.
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    The G. K. Chesterton Institute visits Barcelona.Dr Silvia Coll-Vinent - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (3/4):703-703.
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    Responsible conduct in research.Prof Dr P. J. D. Drenth - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (1):13-21.
    Science is not taken for granted any longer. Society, politics and the media pose critical questions tending to censorship or at least control of science. How does science respond? It cannot exist and develop without freedom, but this does not mean freedom to amass knowledge and apply technological applications at any price and without restrictions. Science should be autonomous, but is not value-free. A distintion is made between external and internal social/ethical problems. The former refer to questions of the social/ethical (...)
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    Letters.Jocalyn Lawler, Dr Jan Reed, Dr Erik Trell & Lena Rydin - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2 (2):178-179.
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    Message from the President of EABIS—The Academy of Business in Society.Prof Dr Gilbert Lenssen - 2012 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 31 (2):5-5.
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    Psychopharmakaverordnung im Altenpflegeheim –.Prof Dr Johannes Pantel & Julia Haberstroh - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (4):258-269.
    Der Einsatz von Psychopharmaka im Altenpflegeheim unterliegt aufgrund institutioneller und struktureller Besonderheiten dieses Versorgungsbereiches, aber auch aufgrund der großen Abhängigkeit und Vulnerabilität eines großen Teils der Altenpflegeheimbewohner in besonderer Weise der Gefahr, in inadäquater und missbräuchlicher Weise durchgeführt zu werden. Die Beachtung der ethischen Grundprinzipien des Wohltuns und des Nichtschadendürfens sowie des Respekts vor der Autonomie der Bewohner (bzw. der Patienten) sollte für alle an der Versorgung unmittelbar und mittelbar Beteiligten handlungsleitend sein. Zum Schutz der Heimbewohner, aber auch mit dem (...)
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  34. Jill's Communicative Competence.Dr Vom Saal - 1980 - Humanitas 21:401-411.
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    Investigating the Effectiveness of Cultural Change in Improving Financial Sector Performance.Samaksh Goyal, Dr Aashka Thakkar, Lovish Dhingra, Richa Garg, Prem Colaco, Anchal Gupta & G. N. Mamatha - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:713-722.
    The significance of cultural change in improving financial performance has become widely acknowledged. To determining how cultural changes affect performance is critical in the financial industry, where quick changes in regulations and technology are typical. Even with the increased interest, there is still lack of empirical data connecting cultural shifts to the success of the financial industry. The study goal is to evaluate the efficacy of cultural change initiatives in improving financial sector performance, to identify specific cultural elements that significantly (...)
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  36. Are there age-differences in development of organization.Bh Basden, Dr Basden & J. Anders - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):330-330.
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    Informationen aus der Redaktion.Dr Gisela Bockenheimer-Lucius - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (2):107-107.
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    Die Gesamtgeschichte der Menschheit als Problem der Geschichtswissenschaft.Prof Dr Kurt Breysig - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):25-31.
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    Vorläufige Untersuchungen über die Psychologie des Gebets.Dr A. Canesi-Mailand & G. V. Glasenapp-Dorpat - 1971 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 10 (1):13-72.
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  40. Über Anaximanders Hauptphilosophem.Dr Frankl-mährisch - 1911 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 24:195.
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    Investigating the Evolution of Technological Integration on Teaching Effectiveness and Staff Development.Lalit Khanna, Dr Aditya Yadav, B. N. Krishna Reddy, Girish Kalele, Dr Bijal Zaveri, Shitij Goyal & Ameya Ambulkar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:940-951.
    Technology Integration (TI) has been incorporated into education and how it has affected both the efficacy of coaching and the development of teams. The research used a blended-techniques approach, integrating qualitative interviews, consciousness businesses, and quantitative surveys to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role that generations play in schooling. As part of the inquiry, 150 educators and administrators participated in awareness seminars and surveys. The findings demonstrate significant gains in instructional efficacy due to technology-enabled tools like interactive software and (...)
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    Section.Prof Dr Jerzy Kmita - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):39-41.
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    Jesus cristo, modelo de comunicador.Prof Dr Tarcisio Justino Loro - 2010 - Revista de Teologia 4 (5):47-55.
    The reflections presented in this text are just indications of the "way" Jesus preached. He turns his preaches a path to hope. In Jesus' practice we find some fundamental requirements for preaching, among them: to preach the Good News, the awakening of faith, using the language of his time, being in the middle of people to beter understand their lives, respecting people's freedom, correcting any kind of religious closure, meeting people, preach the Word firstly to the poor and excluded ones. (...)
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    Representations of the critic other in Political Poetry of the Abbasid Era.Ashwaq Sattar Muhammad & Dr Abbas Jakhour - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:502-513.
    The other is a broad concept, and the self is intricately linked to the other, as the self does not exist without the other, as it is necessary for the self to realize its existence. In other words, the other is the greatest motivator that puts the self in a state of mobilization of its capabilities. However, this interaction does not necessarily produce for us an interactive relationship characterized by In harmony, on the contrary, the other may be a factor (...)
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    Behandlungsbegrenzung durch eine Patientenverfügung – im individuellen Fall auch mit Blick auf neue therapeutische Möglichkeiten!Dr Gisela Bockenheimer-Lucius - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (1):5-6.
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    Siamesische Zwillinge und die "Operation Hoffung".Dr med Gisela Bockenheimer-Lucius - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (3):226-228.
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    Les Principes Philosophiques Du Christianisme.Prof Dr A. H. De Hartog - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):396-396.
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    Zukunftsperspektiven der Medizinethik – aus Sicht des Rechts.Prof Dr Gunnar Duttge - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (4):331-336.
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    Evaluating the Key Elements Contributing to Visitor Contentment at Cultural Festivals.Shikhar Gupta, Dr Amit Kumar, Ameya Ambulkar, Danish Kundra, Kuthalingam Venkadeshwaran, Shubhi Goyal & Dr Shanthanu Chakravarthy - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:694-702.
    This study analyzes the elements that influence visitor contentment at cultural events by developing and testing several hypotheses. This framework considers visitor contentment as the dependent variable (DV) with independent variables (IVs) including program content, event logistics, social atmosphere, facilities, customer service, and accessibility. A survey of 270 visitors was conducted to evaluate these variables and their impact on visitor contentment. Statistical analysis was evaluated using SPSS 25. ANOVA, multiple linear regression, and chi-square tests were among the statistical techniques used (...)
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    Max Scheler †.Professor Dr Nicolai Hartmann - 1928 - Kant Studien 33 (1-2):IX-XVI.
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